reduce the number of variables


Staff member
Removing a variable with a small variance is not a good idea. Anyway, after z-normalization ( , which is always applied in TIMi modeler and nearly always applied in all other modeling algorithms), all the variables have a variance of 1. ...and a variable with a small initial variance might be an excellent predictor in a model.

A better choice would be to remove all the variables that have a too small (linear) correlation with the target. ...but then you can potentially make a wrong choice because there can still exist a very strong nonlinear relation with your target and you'll still remove the variable because its linear correlation is weak. A good example of such a variable is the "age" variable (in a commercial model): Here is an illustration (from the famous census-income dataset):
timi variable 1.png

The age variable has a nonlinear pattern because we have:
* The older you are, the wealthier you are (for the ages below 60) (look at the red line above).
* The older you are, the poorer you are (for the ages above 60).
This "inversion of the trend" represents a nonlinear relationship.
This means that the linear correlation between the target and the variable "age" will be weak (and you will be tempted to "drop" the variable) although there exists a strong nonlinear relationship.

One of the best variables in the census-income dataset is the "dividends_from_stocks":
Let's have a look at this variable:
timi variable 2.png

You can see that this variable has a very small variance because 99% of the values are "zero" (i.e. "0<v<=4" is actually "zero") (i.e. you should compare the eight of the green bar at 0 to the eight of the green bar at other values). This variable has also a very weak linear correlation with the target (because, 99% of the values are 0, so the *linear* correlation cannot be very high). BUT this is one of the best variables of the model!

Actually, a good solution would be to select the variables with the highest "univariate importance" (as computed inside the TIMi Audit reports): you'll have a much better variable selection. We attached a small Anatella graph that automatically extracts this "variable list" from the TIMi "audit report".
As explained above, selecting variables based on variance is not necessarily a good idea.

However, when you select variables based on:
* linear correlation,
* timi univariate importance
* or any other criteria...
... the question of the threshold still remains.

To reduce the number of variables, we have seen many people do the following 2 steps:
Step 1. keep only the variable with a "high" linear correlation with the target. This gives you a first set "A" of variable.
timi variable 3.png

Step 2. Reduce the set "A" of variables by removing from this set the variables that are strongly correlated together. The idea is the following: "if two variables are correlated at 95%, then these 2 variables are virtually the same and you can safely remove one of the two".

Each of these two steps described here above requires you to define a threshold. So, let's analyze each step:
Step 1: As explained above, using the "linear correlation with the target" isn’t a good idea. You should rather use the "timi univariate importance". You could use a threshold of 5% on "timi univariate importance". You might be tempted to think the following: "A threshold of 5% on the "timi univariate importance" means that, in the worst case, you'll lose 5% of AUC inside your final model". This sentence is not true because there can exist inside you dataset some "multivariate effects" that suddenly transform a "bad" variable (with a low "timi univariate importance") to an excellent variable (with a high "multivariate importance" in the top 10 variables). This is more common than you might think (although, with a threshold of 5%, you should be safe): For example: look at the variable "capital losses" (always in the census-income dataset):

Step 2: Two variables A and B that are correlated at 95% are very similar but there still exists 5% difference between them. If your target size (i.e. the number of positive case inside a binary predictive model) is 1% (which is very common), then the 5% difference that exists between the two variables A and B might make an enormous difference: It can happen that a variable A is very good and a variable B is very bad (although they are correlated at 95%). So, for small target sizes, we would not remove any variable during step 2. If you have a large target size (i.e. the target size is 50% of the total dataset size), then you can remove either A or B (when A and B are correlated at 95%).


  • census-income_AUDIT.xml
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  • get_best_univariate_importance.anatella
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