Search results

  1. Support

    imputate missing value

    Dear Bernard, You are searching for the box named "propagateDown". Here is an example: ...and the output is: The example graph is in the attachment.
  2. Support

    From Elapsed time convert to dd/MMM/yyyy hh:mm:ss

    To convert dates in "elapsed time" format (i.e. in "Number" format) to a "String" format, you have to use the changeDataType box again, but this time you have to go to the "to String" tab: for more details: see this screenshot: we also put an example in attachment.
  3. Support

    Error when running append and multijoin

    we fixed your graph: see in the attachment. >error: column is not unique: duplicate value is... This is when the primary key in the slave (or "B") table is not primary: it has duplicates. In such situation, Anatella doesn't know which row from the slave table to add to the master table since...
  4. Support

    Date conversion in Excel

    Hello Bernard, You can choose the columns in Excel that contain dates here: In your case, you just need to add column "A" to the list of columns that are dates.
  5. Support

    How do i remove "nan" and "inf" from a column?

    Hi Alex, use this expression inside the calculator to remplace nan and inf with "-1": "isFinite(x)?x:-1" see also the example in attachment. Cheers
  6. Support

    run an R script in parallel

    hi J, nice to hear from you! you must: * Put a MultiThreadRun box before and after the R script * Set the "number of thread" parameter to 2 (or more) inside the MultiThreadRun box located AFTER the R script. To find the optimal number of threads: run some tests and measure the graph execution...
  7. Support

    aggregated a column into a comma separated list or similar in a new column

    Great to hear from you! I think that you are searching for the box named "concatString": see the example in the attachment.
  8. Support


    hi, there is no option that does this in one mouse click but it can easily be done in a few boxes: see the graph attached. I have also attached another graph which is similar and which can be use from time to time. cheers
  9. Support

    Column string lenght (static & Dynamic)

    hi Thomas, it's easy! in the graph attached you can see that this is just a "calculator" to calculate the lengths and then an "aggregate" to take the "max()". Then to make the same but dynamically: you can use the short flow below with a dedicated coded box, as input on pin 1, to pass the name...
  10. Support

    ODBC Error on Write

    hi Dan, To remove this error, uncheck this checkbox:
  11. Support

    Column into a new folder?

    Hello Lucy, please have a look to the below image and the graf attached for an example. It will create 2 directories based on the content of the column "C2". For this to work properly, you need to set these 2 parameters properly
  12. Support

    cross join

    yes off course, please see attachment
  13. Support

    OBDC SQL ERROR: one column is named 'key'.

    Hello Johan, By default, the "key" keyword is forbidden in SQL. This is why Anatella is preventing you to use this specific keyword. This is why Anatella displays the above error message. Just use another column's name and you'll be fine (e.g. rename the column "key" that you are trying to...
  14. Support

    box that checks for missing columns, and creates them if they do not exist

    Yes! The box that you describe is already there: You are searching for the option named "Create NULL column if column is missing" inside the "ColumnRename" box: See the file in attachment for a complete working example.
  15. Support

    Python in Jenkins error message

    Hi Alex, Looking at your error message, we see that Anatella stops because Anatella cannot find the python engine located in the directory: C: /soft/TIMi/Python/python36.dll Without proper configuration, python boxes do pose a problem in Jenkins. ... But that's not the only thing that can mess...
  16. Support

    change data type box unexpected behaviour

    Hello Jurrit, this is the expected behavior from Anatella. This is to handle the very common situation where people want to convert "85€" or "85$" to the number 85. To do the data-type-conversion in the exact way that you want: See the graph in attachment.
  17. Support

    SQL via OBDC

    The 1st thing is to make sure your DBA gave you the writing right in the DB Then to tick the advanced parameter “allow null SQL result” Finally I’d suggest to add the “SET NOCOUNT ON “ at the start of the SQL script SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @tableTemp Table(id int, amount int) INSERT INTO @...
  18. Support

    filtered by the DB in SQL ??

    Hello Xavier! It's actually quite destabilizing as a situation! The SQL command which contains the "TARGETID>1000" is executed by your database (and not by Anatella). In fact, Anatella just transmits "as is" the text of the SQL command to the database without understanding it and it is the...
  19. Support

    Join using Floating key

    Hi Xavier, The column "CATALOGKEY" is too big to be manipulated as a number (there are more than 14 digits: we are beyond the accuracy of the machine on floating point numbers (the "double")): you have to manipulate it like a String: ie: Make alpha-numeric sort ('A') and not numeric ('0') The...
  20. Support

    converting a column to Float as excel

    Yes. To be sure to see the whole number (after conversion to string), use "%.16g" when converting: More details (with examples) on page 235 of "AnatellaQuickGuide.pdf".