another New Hardware Id on a new machine after my initial request


New member
I just installed Anatella on a new machine.
I requested a Serial.
Then, just after, my HW/ID changed (so that I had to request a new Serial).
Is it normal?


Staff member
The change of HW/ID is caused by a configuration change in the network cards of your machine.

To prevent this from happening again, you must run Anatella/TIMi at least one time when the laptop's internal wifi/ethernet card is turned ON (i.e. not on "disabled"). When Anatella sees an internal network card turned ON, it doesn't forget it and then uses the MAC address of this card to always create the same HW/ID.

Finally, a piece of good news to reassure you: Now that Anatella successfully identified the internal network card, you won't have any change of HW/ID anymore.